Friday, 13 December 2013

Japan Kit Kat Halal atau tidak ? ~sharing

Catatan Mac 2014,

Salam saya baru sahaja balik dari Osaka. Ini adalah hasil observation saya.
Berdasarkan emel yang hanya produk bernombor siri kurang dari L3263 sahaja yang tidak ada mengandungi babi, saya ingin katakan saya tidak jumpa langsung produk yang kurang dari no siri tersebut.Semua lebih dari no. tersebut.Saya dah macam auditor pun ada.kesemua kedai runcit,saya check no. siri tersebut.
Contohnya :

kesemuanya lebih dari L3263

Saya ulang saya hanya berdasarkan no. siri sahaja . Saya TIDAK FAHAM isi kandungannya. Saya juga telah bertanya kepada Nestle tetapi mereka mengatakan semua isi kandungan adalah yang seperti  dipamerkan di  bungkusan Kit Kat tersebut.Tiada jawapan ya atau tidak kepada pertanyaan saya.

Oleh itu sesiapa yang fasih bahasa Jepun dan tau istilah dalam makanan. Saya harap dapat share di sini. Mungkin lebih baik kita faham apakah bahan yang tidak boleh tersebut? gelatin ? elmusifier ?
Atau sesiapa yang terjumpa dengan KitKat yang bersiri kurang dari L3263 sila juga komen disini sebab itu tajuk post ni

Walaubagaimana kakak saya telah menyimpan untuk koleksi kotak kit Kit Kat yang dibeli pada tahun 2012.
hasilnya *juga berdasarkan no.siri sahaja* ianya kurang dari L3263 ianya sama seperti yang diberitahu dalam emel kepada saya bahawa ianya tidak mengandungi apa2 ekstrak haiwan.

Oleh itu tahun 2014 saya tidak makan KitKat dari Jepun .................

Mungkin kita sendiri patut keluarkan perisa yang unik seperti jepun.
Nestle Malaysia apa lagi? I suggest your side to produce unique flavour like Japan did.
it can attract the local and other tourist. It may also tap the halal market.
Some example :
-Kit Kat Cili Padi
-Kit Kat Durian ( omg )
-Kit Kat Teh Tarik ha ko ada ???
-Kit kat pisang
-Kit Kat nasi lemak/sambal... eh rasa mcm genius plak...*patut amik bidang makanan ni*gelak guling diri sendiri

UPDATE October 2016.
I got my wish people ...weeps. I just went to KitKat Chocolatary in Malaysia,Midvalley... not sure they read my email or this blog...but it happen. Rasa tak percaya ....

 Kit Kat Nasi Lemak

Walaupun takde halal jakim , tapi base on ingredients boleh je...lagipun takkan KitKat kat Malaysia ni nak jual benda tak halal...kalau ada lagi bagus. Step up Nestle Malaysia ...boleh masuk pasaran halal.


 link special post :

By the way saya juga balik dari Tokyo . Dekat airport Haneda saya jumpa flavor terbaru  Cheese + Hokkaido Melon (dia jual yg 4 piece aje) so murah sikit , saya pakai apps google translate je dan compare kanji untuk untuk coklat ni  guna soy emulsifier.(nyukazai). Terpulang pada penilaian masing2.Wallahualam

Menarik terjumpa pula info ini :
Sila baca.
Tetapi harus diingat Uji Matcha dan Matcha sahaja adalah 2 produk berbeza. (packaging juga berbeza) .

info emel Fairuz sebelum ini yang didakwa mengandungi babi ialah macha dari Otonanoam series(info yang juga datangnya maklumat no siri tersebut)

Apapun Kit Kat perisa basic /original (merah) yang paling selamat dimakan.

Previous post.
Saya pegi  Jepun tahun lepas ..tetapi baru teringat nak post something about this.Masa kat Jepun memang banyakla Kit Kat yang menarik takde kat sini.

Seperti dalam gambar ni.

menarikkan... rasa nak makan semua... masalahnya semua bahan bahan dalam bahasa Jepun.

Di airport saya telah beli jugalah Kit Kat Green Tea, Wasabi dan Blueberry Cheese dengan niat nanti emaillah tanya Nestle kandungan dia.

Saya tanya samaada ada lemak binatang atau alkohol dalam Kit Kat yang saya beli tu. Inilah balasan mereka.

Hmm ada alkohol apakah hukum alkohol walau sedikit ? 
Tapi disebabkan dah ragu2 maka nya saya telah bagi pada kawan yang bukan beragama Islam KitKat Blueberry dan Wasabi as souvenir. Green Tea saya makan ..sedap !! hehe . perisa lain saya tak taulah...sila email sendiri..or siapa tahu bahasa jepun sila listkan.

Tapi baru -baru ini terjumpa web ni ..ada pendapat yang boleh difikirkan juga mengenai hukum alkohol :
Arak ialah alkohol..tetapi alkohol is not necessary arak.

Pendapat anda ?
tapi yang terbaik tentulah elakkan perkara syubhah (raguragu ) terus. Wallahualam

Saya berterima kasih pada Nestle Jepun kerana sudi membalas email. Saya juga  mencadangkan untuk di lapangan terbang dan target market muslim diletakkan sticker " does not contain animal fat and  alcohol"  pada Kit Kat yang tiada kedua dua elemen ini di dalam email yang sama.

Just incase Japan Nestle googled this. I thank your side for replying me about the ingredients in Kit Kat. Just some of my suggestions:
For niche market u can target to all your Muslim tourist going to Japan  or even export to Muslim country.
Therefore u just put sticker on those products " does not contain animal fat & alcohol" in airport shelf and we gladly buy those Kit Kat. Im gonna buy those green tea again !!

"Take a break, have a Kit Kat "

By the way here is the photo of green tea that i bought with blueberry cheese and Tokyo Banana last time. or is wasabi?? ops sorry ..but i did buy 3 flavor .Oh and my sister also  found out  that Tokyo Banana is not halal as it has pig gelatine in it.

Screenshot from q n a of online shop who sell TB ...tapi kalau sapa2 yang tahu bahasa jepun silala email terus kat manufacturer  untuk tau lebih lanjut.

Additional info :
My sister and my friend has found another list from internet kit kat  yang tak boleh dimakan.
Credit to Fairuz who email the enquiry  about  Otonanoam series.

Update : August  2015...Terbaru dari Nestle Halal Kit Kat Greentea manufactured in Malaysia.
Boleh dapat di major shopping mall...hmm i wonder did Nestle Malaysia read my post lol... any Tourist whi come to Malaysia you can also purchase greentea flavor and it is Halal


  1. Regarding your "list kit kat yang tak boleh dimakan" on the last picture, I saw the Matcha (green tea) Kit Kat too. So it means the green tea kitkat is not halal?

    1. Salam, from what i understand they are 2 different series. The one under otononaom series is the one we cant eat. Both has different packaging(compare the photo in email and the one that i post with tokyo banana)..Anyway just to be safe i read in some article and ( from the attached email )u just need to check the code in the ingredients, if the code is >L3263 it will contain animal (pig). I also read somehwere in internet.. that they produce this kit kat depends on economic cost.. Base on economy factor if they need to lower to cost the alternate ingredients will be from vegetables instead of animal.Thefore no matter which green tea series it is better to double check the code . Due to this factor, my only concern is maybe the green tea that i bought in 2012 is vegetable base but who knows maybe in 2013 the economy is better they stick back to animal base?? Wallahualam. Nevertheless i will visit Japan by end of month so i will just briefly check the ingredients for any Kit Kat.*base on the code as reference and will update this post.Even nowadays i try to email nestle for enquiry on other KitKat flavor, they will only give u generic answer (the ingredients is stated on the label box) .

  2. hello, I have this kitkat green tea with the same packaging like the otonanoame, but the code is L32154913, so is it still made by animal fat (pork) or not?

    1. it is lower than < L3263 so in my opinion as what i read it should not contain animal fat.

  3. hi i just read the ingredients of kitkat pict that ur posted, its halal they use soybean oil, vegetvble fat and cocoa oil :)

  4. I just bought a box of tokban.. i can read kanji but not katakana. Yes i see soybean oil, vegetable fat, but there is written also gelatin and emulsifier. Now I think I should not eat them omg :'(

    1. Sorry , could you clarify what is tokban? Maybe different flavor has different ingredients, i guess. but if all ingredients is syubhah(not certain) eg type of emu or gelatin, best thing is we should avoid it.

  5. Tokban might be tokyo banana...

    1. oh ya ..tq.must be tokyo banana then ... we cant eat tokyo banana as it contain pig gelatine.

  6. As a student here, the otona no amasa kit kat cannot be eaten because it contain animal related ingredients but I've heard rumors that said it is okay to eat it again.

  7. Good to read about this. I was planning to buy Kit Kats and Tokyo Banana when I visit Tokyo this November. Do you know any good halal snacks to buy from Tokyo back to Malaysia?

    1. My friend said meij chocolate is ok^^
      u can also check this Youtube video for the list

  8. How about the kit kat in malaysia....Halal or not...???

    1. Hi there ,
      I would like to ask few questions with regard to the green tea kit kat. From my reading in the net it mentioned that green tea kit kat with production no. more than L3263 has halal ingredients. From my understanding,for certain food to be declared halal,its ingredients and process of preparing it must be accordance to syarak(islamic way). How sure are you that the process of preparing the green tea kitkat is accordance to syarak? Do they 'samak' the production tools they use or they have separate tools when producing this green tea halal kit kat? Since they are also producing pig contained kit kat.Has any muslim performed audit to the kitkat production line to verify green tea kitkat is adherence to the syarak? I am raising this question because your side claimed that the green tea kit kat is halal just based on its ingredients while even on its packaging does not state any halal symbol. How sure are you that it is halal?

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Hi you post 3 same multiple comment so i have to delete the other comment. thank you for you comment.....since my post is mix with bahasa so im not sure you understand all the post.the post itself title as " is japat kit kat halal or not ?? it is just more to discussion,i never said it is halal certified by any side....some product does not contain any suspicious ingredients however if you have any ounce of doubt regarding process then you can avoid buying japan kitkat.I think better if we as muslim can also develop a unique global chocolate brand and follow japan kitkat achievement and import it to the whole word.

  9. Hi, nak tanya ye~ di manakah anda jumpa kit kat sebagai-bagai ? Osaka? Seperti di gambar itu

  10. Hi, nak tanya ye~ di manakah anda jumpa kit kat sebagai-bagai ? Osaka? Seperti di gambar itu

    1. Dekat airport boleh nampak macam macam perisa.haneda dan kansai osaka dua dua ada...

    2. Dekat airport boleh nampak macam macam perisa.haneda dan kansai osaka dua dua ada...

  11. untuk tokyo banana..ada yg halal dan ada yg tidak halal.boleh refer kt sini

  12. Hi, in my opinion kan, if makanan takde halal logo best is dont buy because even though it contains no animal product, it is made from the same brand Kit Kat which may come from the same factory. If come from the same factory, there might be cross contamination. So best is buy stuff with halal logo as it is made in a halal factory/ kitchen and there is no cross contamination

  13. Hi, in my opinion kan, if makanan takde halal logo best is dont buy because even though it contains no animal product, it is made from the same brand Kit Kat which may come from the same factory. If come from the same factory, there might be cross contamination. So best is buy stuff with halal logo as it is made in a halal factory/ kitchen and there is no cross contamination

  14. Assalamu 'alaikum..
    Apa ada penjual kitkat halal Malaysia yang melayani pengiriman ke Indosesia (Kalimanan Timur)? Terima kasih

    1. Kalau kamu berminat saya juga boleh tolong kirimkan namum harga postage sahaja lebih mahal dari harga Kitkat tersebut jika dikirim ke Indonesia.

  15. Tokyo Banana memang xboleh makan sebab contain gelatin, haritu beli pon sedih je kene bagi kt kawan non-muslim

  16. hi, thank you for sharing all info on Kit Kat. Tp dalam attachment, saya nampak ada dark chocolate kit kat yg juga tidak halal. mohon pencerahan sbb dpt dr kawan yg baru blk jepun dan tak boleh baca kandungan sbb dia bg pack2 kecik.

    1. Salam tak pasti sebab tetiap keluaran mungkin mereka pakai emulsier (soy based atau bukan soy)jadi kena refer ingredients juga.kawan yang bagi tu mesti ada packaging dia yg besar mungkin dia boleh checkkan.

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